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quasi steady中文

用"quasi steady"造句"quasi steady" in a sentence"quasi steady"怎麼讀


  • 擬一致
  • 準定常
  • 準穩定的


  • Quasi steady flow
  • The quasi steady state analytical method is used to calculate the temperature in the heat structure . in normal condition , the heat transfer modes included the convection and boiling conditions
  • All these changes , which are of importance to subsynchronous oscillation analysis , cannot be described with the quasi steady state ( qss ) model any more . therefore , the deficiency of qss - model - based eigenvalue method is pointed out and a novel method named complex torque coefficient - test signal method is adopted to analyze the subsynchronous oscillation caused by hvdc or facts devices
    基于此,指出了采用準穩態模型進行hvdc系統次同步振蕩分析的局限性,并引入了分析hvdc或含有facts裝置的系統次同步振蕩問題的方法:復轉矩系數- - - -測試信號法。
用"quasi steady"造句  
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